Thursday, July 31, 2014

Quick Answer : SharePoint Server vs SharePoint Online

Customer Ask Me
Many Many customer ask me, I need SharePoint but Online or On-Premise. To help your user/customer to make decision, I am writing to provide some questions as below.

1.       Could all user access public internet when use SharePoint?
a.       If not, that indicates some user cannot access public internet (only can access local intranet). They should choose SharePoint server because SharePoint online need to be accessed from internet.
b.      If yes, both is ok.
2.       Is there any critical data which must be stored in their local server due to some business reason?
a.       If yes, please choose SharePoint server.
b.      If not, both is ok.
3.       Does end customer need some deep customization such as farm solution, BCS to connect other business system via ODBC, modify search index before generate?
a.       If yes, choose SharePoint server.
b.      If not, both is ok.
4.       Is there SharePoint specialist to maintain the SharePoint product environment?
a.       If not, recommend choose SPO because it require a little maintain workload.
b.      If yes, both is ok.
5.       Does end customer have more budget once?
a.       If not, please choose SPO because it’s charged by usage.
b.      If yes, both is ok.
6.       If the answer of all of above question is both. Recommend choose SPO because it has many benefit based on cloud service.
I hope everyone understand, I only have 10 minutes to answer. No technical and buzzword. :)

Good Luck :)

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